In 2021 after another BC wildfire scare I decided it was time to return to my East Coast roots. Curious? Read my Move to NS Blog Post
Cove Cottage is my dream property. Waterfront on 2 coves with a 250' boardwalk surrounded by natural lush forest. I knew from the moment I saw this property that it had to be returned to nature and shared on a small curated scale.
I arrived to massive lily beds lovingly developed (and overgrown), surrounded by an acre of field mowed every 2 days. I brought in nuts, fruit and veg using only natural methods & permaculture techniques, surrounded by fields of wildflowers. And no mowing!

It's a HUGE transformation in a short time
our guests love following our changing story!
Removed a 60' Wheelchair ramp off the front entry
Added 3 massive drainage creeks and multiple berms to embrace and direct water properly. While this was necessary it was incredibly destructive.
Started the food forest (fruit tree nursery) with dozens of fruits, nuts and herbs
Stopped mowing allowing the native wildflowers to do their thing
Added a flock of semi-free-range chickens
Removed over 1700kg (yes, kg!) of invasive plants
Gave away over 80 Lily plant clumps to dozens of neighbors
Embraced the wildlife - groundhogs have their own food garden & share my peas
Added my first accommodation in August - Cove Cottage Studio Suite
Put the property back together after all the excavation & drainage work
Embraced Wwoof and Workaway volunteers
Added paths and prepped Hugelcultur vegetable beds for 2024
Built soil and got our chicken run composting up and running
Started construction on 2 more accommodations
Built a chicken coop & a massive Chicken Run with a tunnel & their own food garden
Added another dozen blueberry bushes & hundreds of native flowers
Added blackberries and more raspberries
Added Runner & Muscovy Ducks for cuteness, slug control & fertilizer
Added micro chickens for cuteness and more yummy eggs
Built an Outhouse - the cutest one you've ever used
Doubled the size of the food forest
Working on a Self heal Lawn
Expanded the chicken run with another tunnel
Add a tucked away Hammock Area - our Nap Grotto
Added 8 more blueberries - NEVER enough
Spent 6 months working on Yellow & Garden Bunkies - those are on hold ATM
​2025 Plans
Start Native plant sales, including huckleberries
Increase our Veggie and Fruit Sales
Clear walking paths through the forest
Build a Moon Gate leading into the forest
Clean up the original overgrown garden beds
Increase our Cut Flower operations
Decide if Yellow and Garden Bunkie will be upgraded & added as accommodation